'The Valley of the Fox' is a webcomic that narrates the summer vacation of two siblings in a mysterious Alpine region where an ancient and dark story lies; the villagers of Hölledorf are threatened by the presence of a mysterious creature.
It will be up to Liam (11 years old) and Céline (16) to follow the white rabbit (or fox, in this case) and meet in the woods a girl with diety like powers and a deep connection with the valley and the mystery that surrounds it.
Each new chapter will be published on this site every 3/4 weeks.
The comic is completely free to read.
Ciao, mi chiamo Timothy e sono nato a Lugano nel 1987.
Sono grafico e illustratore freelance, membro della SCAA e unico autore ticinese a essere pubblicato sulla rivista zurighese Strapazin.
'La Valle della Volpe' è uno dei progetti più impegnativi
al quale abbia mai lavorato.
Mi occupo di concetto, storia, dialoghi, disegni e colori,
oltre a gestire questo sito.
The webcomic 'The Valley of the Fox' is completely accessible, ad-free and free to read.
If you appreciate my work, you can pay a 'tip' through
Give a 'tip' on
If you prefer not to spend money but to support the comic,
you can spread the word: talk about it with friends and family!
Se preferisci non spendere denaro ma vuoi ugualmente sostenereil fumetto,
puoi far circolare la voce: parlane con amici e famigliari!
Come cantava De André:
Ma una notizia un po' originale
Non ha bisogno di alcun giornale
Come una freccia dall'arco scocca
Vola veloce di bocca in bocca
Hölledorf and its valley are inspired by real places, mainly Val Calanca (GR-CH), which has a fascinating history; its traces of human civilization date back to the Bronze Age.
A more recognized note is that it was one of the last regions in Europe to have perpetuated the witch hunt, practiced until the end of 1800's.
Val Calanca is a narrow valley with a particular geological formation. Its steep walls have made the relationship between nature and its inhabitants difficult: landslides and floods are a frequent phenomena.
Finally, the place has a special place in my heart, which has made it the ideal setting to tell the story and the themes present in the comic, such as growth, friendship, emancipation and the relationship between man and nature.
Fotografie scattate da don Erminio Lorenzi nel 1900, prese dal libro 'Villa de Calancha' di Giuglio Tognola, 2016, Fondazione Archivio a Marca e Archivio regionale Calanca.
Originali depositate all'Archivio a Marca di Mesocco e al Museo Moesano a San Vittore.